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Advanced meters

Installed as part of the WA Government’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure program, Advanced meters allow Synergy to provide its customers with greater visibility and more flexible options to better manage their electricity usage.

To make it easy to access your AMI data, we’ve added new features to My Account. A new dashboard that shows an overview of your daily usage and data to better understand your electricity costs throughout the day, helping you to take control of your electricity use.

Key benefits

Half hourly data

Having access to the half hourly consumption data from the previous day will help you pinpoint how power is being used at your premises.

Track your daily electricity consumption

With the use of MyAccount, your bill will no longer be a surprise. Make immediate changes if your usage is higher than expected.

Remote reading

Your AMI meter can be read remotely. This means estimated bills are (in the majority of cases) eliminated.

View your AMI dashboard

View your new dashboard that shows an overview of your daily usage and data to better understand your electricity costs throughout the day, helping you to take control of your electricity use.

Learn more

Advanced meter FAQs

Want to learn more about Synergy's advanced meters? Take a look at our helpful FAQs.

What is Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

Advanced Metering Infrastructure brings together advanced meters (or AMI meters), radio frequency communications points and intelligent metering software systems to deliver the latest benefits in electricity metering technology.

Your new AMI meter records electricity usage in 30-minute intervals and that data is available to you the following business day on My Account

The introduction of AMI Meters is one of the biggest and most innovative changes to how energy is measured in WA.

How does it work?

Advanced Meters can be read remotely via RF technology, with the data sent to Western Power. Western Power then validates the metering data and sends it to Synergy the following business day. Synergy uses that information to bill you for the electricity you have used.

AMI records consumption in 30-minute blocks (also known as “intervals”), which you can access the following business day via your Synergy My Account.
The monetary value of the interval consumption is also recorded and will be accessible via your Synergy My Account to allow you to see how your future Synergy bill is accruing.

As a result, you will have greater visibility of your daily electricity usage and can help identify the best opportunities to save electricity.

Will my bill look the same?

If you have an Advanced Meter installed, you won’t need to do anything differently, but your bills will look a little different.

If you have had an Advanced Meter installed, you will still see your total consumption appear on your bill. However, this will not include a reference to previous and current accumulation reads as Synergy will instead aggregate your half hourly interval reads into total consumption.

Half hourly meter reading information is collected daily and will be available on your Synergy My Account, typically within one business day of Western Power collecting the data from your Advanced Meter.

The interval data (half hourly data recordings) is collected daily and is typically available on Synergy’s website in My Account the following day. This will provide you with 48 readings per Advanced Meter register, per day – or approximately 2,880 recordings per meter register per bill.

Synergy notes that you can still take accumulative consumption and generation reads yourself from the Advanced Meter registers, and your Synergy My Account will allow you to export intervals to Microsoft Excel so you can utilise this base data for your own purposes.

Do I have to pay for an Advanced Meter?

Advanced Meters are being installed as part of the Western Australian State Government’s “Energy Transformation Strategy” program, which aims to provide for cleaner, more reliable, and low-cost electricity. 

When installed as part of this program there is no upfront cost to you for an Advanced Meter.  

If your suburb has not yet been selected for the deployment of Advanced Metering as part of the program and you wish to obtain an Advanced Meter ahead of this, you can request a meter upgrade to have an Advanced Meter arranged by Synergy for a fee*.

To view the current metering fees applicable, please visit

*Synergy notes that this is subject to certain eligibility criteria and that some rural suburbs may not yet have access to AMI.

Do I ‘own’ the Advanced Meter at my premise?

Western Power in their role as the Electricity Network Operator owns, installs, operates and maintains the Advanced Meter at your premise; as such, electricity meters are an essential component of Western Power’s electricity network.

Synergy bills you, based on the energy data obtained from the meter, in combination with the parameters of your chosen electricity plan.

How will the AMI program benefit customers?
  1. With the use of MyAccount, your bill will no longer be a surprise. You can track your daily electricity consumption and make immediate changes if your usage is higher than expected.
  2. Having access to the half hourly consumption data from the previous day will help customers pinpoint how power is being used at the premises. If your consumption is looking higher than you expect, you can make changes to your energy consumption to reduce the impact of your next bill.
  3. If you are considering solar, interval data will help you understand your daytime household power consumption and more accurately calculate your return on investment.
  4. Your AMI meter can be read remotely. The data is sent wirelessly with state-of-the-art encryption. This means estimated bills are (in the majority of cases) eliminated.
  5. AMI Meters can be remotely ‘armed’ by Western Power. Customers then reconnect the electricity to their property by pressing a button on the meter to enable faster re-connection of electricity to a property. Customers without an AMI enabled meter require a Western Power technician or crew to attend site to physically reinstate fuses and/or service leads. This can take up to 2 business days for metropolitan customers and up to 6 business days for rural customers.
  6. AMI Meters will help with the future development of new retail products and services, for example new tariffs that charge different rates at different times of the day, something that hasn’t been possible without interval enabled meters installed across a large portion of the network. In addition, Synergy intends to introduce several new products and features to assist customers in taking advantage of AMI Meters and interval data in the future, including giving customers the opportunity to request an AMI Meter even if it is not due for end-of-life replacement via Western Power.
I have been asked to press a button on my meter, what do I do?

If your meter has been de-energised it may need to be re-armed by Western Power and then activated by someone at the property. For more information please contact Western Power on 13 13 51

Are Advanced Meters safe?

Advanced Meters installed in Australia are required to meet strict safety standards and comply with electromagnetic exposure limits developed by the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA).

Advanced Meters emit a lower frequency than mobile phones, broadcast towers, microwaves, garage door openers and wi-fi.

Visit the ARPANSA website for more information. 

My bill has gone up since the AMI Meter was installed
AMI Meters record consumption electronically. In some cases, this may be more accurate than previous electro-mechanical accumulation meters. This is because electronic meter technology is a significant advance over electro-mechanical meters.
Will there be any changes to my bill?

There will be minimal change to your bill with the switch to an AMI Meter.

A summary of your consumption information will be displayed on your bill with the interval data (half hourly data recordings) available on Synergy's website in My Account the following day providing you with 48 readings per day or approximately 2,880 recordings per bill.

Opting Out of Advanced Metering

Western Power allows some customers to ‘opt-out’ of Advanced Metering if they meet Western Power’s eligibility criteria.
‘Opting out’ means the new meter remains, with the RF communications device removed. 
If you seek to ‘opt-out’ and you meet Western Power’s eligibility criteria to do so, your Advanced Meter will be  reverted to a basic meter, and you will be required to be a “self-read” customer. 

Who can’t opt out of having Advanced Metering?

Customers who are not permitted to ‘opt-out’ of having an Advanced Meter include:

  • customers with dogs that prevent Western Power from accessing the meter;
  • customers that have had previous safety incidents with Western Power personnel;
  • customers with grid-connected assets such as solar, electric vehicles, and batteries; and
  • customers who are classified as ‘Contestable’ under the Metering Code legislation (those using more than an average of 137kwH/day)
Can you opt out of AMI if you are on a time of use product?

If you seek to ‘opt-out’ of AMI, you will no longer be eligible for certain Synergy products that are reliant on interval data. 

If you seek to ‘opt-out’ of AMI and you are on a Synergy product that is reliant on interval data, you will be moved to a product with a flat price regulated tariff. 

If you are a customer who has already ‘opted-out’ of AMI, you won’t be able to move off a regulated tariff unless you opt back in and have an Advanced Meter re-installed.

Table of Interval Data Products That Require AMI

 Residential Interval Data Products

Non-Residential Interval Data Products

 Synergy Midday Saver  Synergy Business Time of Use® (R1)
 Synergy Electric Vehicle Add-On*  
 Synergy Electric Vehicle Home Plan  
 Synergy Smart Home Plan*  
 Synergy SmartPower® (SM1)*  
 Synergy Community Energy^  

* legacy product not available to new customers
^product only available to Synergy customers in case management and hardship programs per Synergy’s discretion

Opting out of a Synergy Interval Data product but retaining an Advanced Meter

Non-contestable customers (being those using less than an average of 137kwH/day) can choose to ‘opt-out’ of a Synergy interval data product but retain their Advance Meter.

If you choose this option, the wireless data collection and push-button re-energisation functionality remains on your Advanced Meter.
Visibility of data daily becomes unavailable on your Synergy My Account; and you will only be provided with accumulation meter readings in alignment with your bi-monthly billing schedule.

Becoming a “Self-Read” Customer

 “Self-Read” customers are those customers who read their own meter for Western Power. 

If you ‘opt-out’ of AMI, you will be required to register as a self-reader with Synergy. Once you’ve registered as a self-reader, Western Power will send you instructions on how to read your meter; and how to provide the readings when they are required for scheduled billing.

Opting back into AMI

If you are a customer who has opted out of AMI and want to opt back in, Western Power will need to visit your premise to re-instate a RF communications card with your compatible meter.

This service is ordered via Synergy and a fee will apply. To view the current metering fees applicable, please visit