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Energy Choice FAQs

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We're here to help answer some of the questions you may have when thinking about signing up to a new deal.

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Tariff migration: what you need to know

Why is my account moving to a different tariff rate?
Each regulated tariff has different eligibility criteria. WA State Government by-laws1 specify that you must use less than 50,000 kWh of electricity per annum to be eligible for the Business Plan (L1) or Business Time of Use (R1) tariff. Because your business has used 50,000 kWh or more of electricity over 12 months it must move to the eligible Business Plan Fifty (L3) or Business Time of Use Fifty (R3) tariff.
What is the difference between an L1/R1 and an L3/R3 tariff?
Under legislation, if you use less than 50,000 kWh of electricity per year, Synergy is the only supplier you can use to receive electricity through the South West Interconnected System (SWIS)2. To be eligible for the L1/R1 tariff rate you must use less than 50,000 kWh of electricity per year. To be eligible for the L3/R3 tariff rate you must use 50,000 kWh or more of electricity per year. This also makes that site ‘contestable’ meaning you’re free to choose from different retailers for your electricity supply (including Synergy).
Why did Synergy check my energy use?
We have checked your account to make sure you are on the electricity tariff that is appropriate for your current consumption. We understand circumstances change, and even though you’re obliged to tell us if your business’s energy use has changed, we performed a check on your behalf to save you the trouble.
How has Synergy determined that my account is consuming above the eligible threshold?
We understand that your business energy needs may have changed in the last 12 months, Synergy proactively reviewed your actual consumption over the last 12 months and your business was identified as using more than the maximum allowable consumption for your current tariff.
Why would I have been on the lower tariff to begin with?

Synergy relies on information provided by your business to determine which tariff rate should apply. As per your contract with Synergy (see also our Customer Charter), you have an obligation to tell us whether your usage has increased or decreased to the extent it no longer matches your current tariff. We understand that businesses can grow or reduce in size. What may have been the correct tariff for you previously may no longer be appropriate.


While your contractual obligation still stands and has not been waived in any way, we proactively conducted our own review to see if you were on the correct tariff or eligible for one of Synergy’s business plans.

Where can I find a copy of my current contract with Synergy, the Customer Charter and the eligibility conditions relating to each tariff?

Please refer to Synergy’s website at under “Terms & conditions” for your standard electricity agreement terms and conditions, the Customer Charter and the energy products section under “Your business” for eligibility conditions relating to each tariff.

Are tariff rates likely to increase anytime in the near future?
Synergy’s regulated electricity tariffs and eligibility criteria contained in the by-laws1 are determined by the Western Australian State Government. Changes to Synergy’s regulated tariffs typically occur on 1 July each year. We will notify customers of any changes by the time of your first bill after the change is made by the government.

Synergy business plans

What is a Synergy business plan?
Synergy offers contestable customers customised business plan agreements tailored to the individual requirements of your business. These plans help your business by providing a competitive offer relative to the regulated tariff you would otherwise be eligible for. This plan is known as a non-standard electricity contract (please see below for the difference between a standard form contract and non-standard contract).
How long is a Synergy business plan applicable for?
Synergy’s business plans have customisable agreement lengths with the standard being for a two year period.
Will there be any increases during the term of the Synergy business plan?
Synergy offers a variety of products with different features and benefits, the Synergy Business Flexi plan doesn’t have an annual Consumer Prices Index (CPI) increase but under the terms and conditions, Synergy has the right to vary the charges as a result of any access or regulatory charges imposed, such as the Western Power Network Access Charges – so prices are subject to change in these instances. Under the Synergy Business Saver plan the rates are determined by the WA State Government and changes typically occur on the 1 July each year. Synergy will let you know when any changes take effect.
Are there any minimum or maximum quantities of electricity I need to use for this contract?
No, there is no minimum or maximum usage requirements on Synergy’ s business plans, however you must meet the eligibility criteria. So you won’t be penalised for using below or above a certain level.
Do terms and conditions apply to Synergy’s business plans?
Yes, these should be read before accepting the offer. You’ll need to make your own assessment of the detailed terms and conditions. Feel free to seek your own independent advice before making a decision in relation to this offer.
What is the difference between a standard form contract and non-standard contract?
To help you make an informed decision based on your business requirements, we’ve outlined the difference between a standard form contract and a non-standard contract. You should make your own assessment of the detailed terms and, if necessary, obtain your own independent advice before making a decision in relation to this offer.
Standard Contract
The tariff you are currently on is available on our standard form contract (Standard Electricity Agreement). The terms of our standard form contract are governed by regulations and must be approved by the Economic Regulation Authority. A standard form contract outlines the terms and conditions for all customers who pay regulated prices for their electricity. To receive a copy of the standard contract please visit our website or contact us on 13 13 54. To view the regulated price (tariff) that applies to your standard contract visit
Non-Standard Contract
Synergy’s business plans are a non-standard contract. A non-standard contract relates to products and offers that do not require approval by the Economic Regulation Authority. These contracts contain different terms and conditions to a standard contract, and may include variations in price, fees and charges, contract length, payment options, and early termination or exit fees. Once executed by the parties you are entitled to request and receive a written copy of the final contract.

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