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Modern Slavery Statements

Synergy has developed its Modern Slavery Statement in response to Commonwealth legislation.

The Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires companies with an annual revenue of more than $100 million to report their actions to address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains.

Modern slavery is a term used to describe situations where coercion, threats or deception are used to exploit victims and undermine or deprive them of their freedom. Examples include people trafficking, servitude, forced marriage and labour, debt bondage, child labour and deceptive recruiting.

Some of the key actions Synergy has undertaken to identify, assess and address modern slavery risks within the business are:

  • developed a supplier self-assessment questionnaire to understand risks within our supply base;
  • completed a supply chain risk assessment for tier 1 contracted suppliers;
  • provided training to contract owners and the supply chain team;
  • included a modern slavery clause in all contract templates;
  • initiated ongoing collaboration with Western Australian companies to share knowledge and address risks within similar industries;
  • developed our first Supplier Code of Conduct; and
  • refreshed our corporate strategy to introduce a social value pillar, bringing modern slavery to the forefront of decision making.

Read Synergy's Modern Slavery Policy 

Read the 2023 statement 

Read the 2022 statement 

Read the 2021 statement

Read the 2020 statement

Synergy's Modern Slavery Statements are also publicly available on the Australian Government's Modern Slavery Statements Register.