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Most popular FAQs

How do I find out if there's an outage in my area?

To see if there's a planned or unplanned power outage in your area, simply visit the Western Power outage page and enter your postcode. You can also sign up to receive SMS updates from Western Power to stay informed.

Check for power outages in your area

Report an outage

If you need to report an outage, please call Western Power on 13 13 51.

Did you know?

There are three categories of participants in Western Australia’s electricity industry involving three supply chains: 

  1. Generators – Produce electricity from a variety of renewable and non-renewable sources. 
  2. Distributors – Network businesses, such as Western Power, that transport electricity from generation sites to homes and businesses and who are responsible for building and maintaining the network of poles and wires. 
  3. Retailers – Electricity retailers, such as Synergy, who purchase electricity from generators and supply electricity to homes and businesses. 

Learn more about who is responsible for what in Western Australia’s electricity industry here.

How do I make a claim for an electricity outage?

If you have experienced a planned or unplanned electricity outage and need to make a compensation claim for loss or damage, visit the Western Power claims page. You can make claims for extended power outages (12 hours or more), customer damage, or non-notification of planned work (less than 72 hours’ notice of a planned outage). 

If you need more details, get in contact with Western Power on 13 10 87 or visit their website. They are always happy to help. 

Make a claim

How do I read my electricity meter?

It all depends on what type of meter you have. Western Power, the network operator, owns and maintains the meter at your premises and is responsible for reading or estimating your meter - unless you're a self reader.

For detailed information on ‘how to read your meter’, please read the Western Power meter reading FAQs.

How does self-reading your meter work?

You might choose to read your own meter because of meter access issues, or perhaps you live in an area of WA where it’s hard for Western Power meter readers to visit regularly. If you read and submit your own meter readings, you’re known as a “self-read” customer.

Here’s a quick guide to how the self-read process works:

  1. Generally, every two months Western Power will let you know when and how to submit your meter reading. They might let you know by text, email or a self-read card sent in the mail.
  2. You read your meter and submit the information using Western Power’s online portal, by calling Western Power or by posting your self-read card back to Western Power. (If you receive a self-read card and submit your reading online, your next meter read reminder will be sent by text or email, not by card.)
  3. You receive your Synergy bill.

If you are a self-read customer, it’s important to submit your reading in the timeframe that Western Power gives to you. If you don’t make the deadline, your next bill will be based on your estimated electricity use instead of what you’ve actually used.

Even when you’re a self-read customer, Western Power will need to visit your property and access your meter for a reading at least once every 12 months.

Please visit the Western Power website for more details about your meter readings.

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How long does it take to connect my home?
If you're moving in to an existing home in the metro area, it only takes around 3-5 business days (excluding weekends) to get you connected. Please allow between 6-10 days for rural connections.
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How can I keep track of my usage?
No matter the season, there's always something that will be affecting your power and gas usage. Whether it's heaters in winter or air conditioning in the warmer months, it can be difficult to work it exactly how much of an affect these appliances have on your bill. With a couple of the tools Synergy provides, it's a easy for any household to track their energy usage and lower their bill with smarter consumption.
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Other FAQs

How will I be billed for my gas usage? Will it be on my electricity invoice?
You'll receive a separate bill for gas and electricity. This will help with identification of your costs for different forms of energy.
Can I change my green energy contribution at any time?

Yes, going more or less green is easy. Just log in to My Account, update your green energy option, how much you want to contribute and you're done.

Log in to My Account

Can I nominate somebody else to manage my connection?

Yes, you can nominate others to manage your energy account on your behalf. You can do this by filling out a simple form or you can add them to your account when you move home.

Download consent form (PDF 100KB)

Do I have to be home when my meter is read?

No. As long as the Western Power meter reader has access to your electricity meter, you don’t need to be home. If they're unable to enter your property or if your meter box is locked, then your consumption for that billing period may be estimated.

If you need a key to be able to read your meter, then the meter box or gate needs to be fitted with a Western Power masterkey lock. You can purchase one of these from licensed locksmiths or security suppliers.

Visit Western Power for more information about meter reading

How do I apply for new unmetered electricity supplies?
You will need to apply for new unmetered electricity supplies using the Unmetered Electricity Supplies application form.
How do I find out what energy plan I'm on?
Grab a copy of your latest bill and turn over to the 1st page.
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I am on a green energy option, how will Midday Saver affect me?

You will stay signed-up to the green energy option, whether it is NaturalPower® or EasyGreen®. But it means that instead of paying the premium on top of the Home Plan (A1) flat rate, the same premium will now be added to all of the applicable Midday Saver variable rates.    

I’m building a new home, can I choose my energy plan?

We’ve got a range of energy products to help you save time, money, and your impact on the environment. Compare plans to find the right one for your home.

Compare plans

Top 10 tips for electricity safety at home
Because we use it every day, it’s so easy to forget how dangerous electricity can be. Our message is to always put safety first, and respect electricity. Here's our recommended tips for keeping safe around electricity at home.
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What happens if I'm on a time of use plan and start to use more energy during the day?
If you find you're unable to continue using, more of your energy during the cheaper time bands (off peak), then it may be better to switch back to the anytime plan - Home Plan (A1).  
If you're using more during the peak periods, then your energy bill will increase as you'll no longer be taking advantage of the cheaper rates offered during off period. 
Compare energy plans to find the best one to suit your lifestyle
What happens if my energy supply is interrupted?
If your power outage is causing an emergency, call Western Power on 13 13 51 right away. It's best to use a landline phone if you’re calling about power problems, because they don’t need power to operate. We can also recognise your location and pass on the right information to you.
What if I do not have a time-of-use compatible meter?

Most recently built homes have a compatible meter that can be re-programmed to suit a time-of-use tariff. Otherwise, you need to have a new meter installed. There are two types of meters which you can choose from depending on the existing meter installed at your property or the appliances you use.

Meter options and installation costs for new and existing homes are available on the product information page.

When you are ready to request a new meter, please either contact us to arrange installation at your home. If you are unsure which meter is best for you, consider contacting an electrician for advice.

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Who do I call if I have an electricity emergency?
You need to call Western Power on 13 13 51.The electricity grid is owned by Western Power, so it’s their responsibility to maintain the power supply to your home or business. They’re also experts in this area, so you’ll be in good hands.Western Power owns and operates the power poles and wires in south west WA, and deal with any power supply interruptions or repairs. If you’re in a remote area of WA, you may be serviced by Horizon Power.
Why does the cost of energy go up every year?
For many years, electricity tariffs in Western Australia have not reflected the full cost of producing and supplying electricity.

To correct this shortfall, since 2009 the State Government has steadily increased tariff prices.

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For residential enquiries call 13 13 53

One of our friendly, team members will be happy to help you:

  • 7am - 7pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
  • We may need to ask you a couple of questions to confirm it's you - just have a copy of your bill handy.
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