Renewable energy
Most popular FAQs
- Are there other renewable sources of energy?
Renewable energy is produced from sources that cannot be depleted.Read more
- How do I know my money has paid for renewable energy sources?
Synergy will only use your contribution to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) from Australia's nationally accredited source Greenpower.
Renewable energy purchased by Synergy is fed in to the electricity grid where it mixes with energy produced from non-renewable sources; before being supplied to your home.
- What's the difference between EasyGreen and NaturalPower?
Both EasyGreen and NaturalPower contributions are used to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) from GreenPower.
- With EasyGreen, you pay a set amount each billing cycle in addition to your daily electricity charges.
- With NaturalPower you can buy an agreed amount based on a % of your electricity consumption.
Calculate your contribution and see how much greenhouse emissions you'll save
Other FAQs
- Why is choosing EasyGreen good for the environment?
Your EasyGreen® contribution is used to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs). Each REC is a megawatt hour of electricity produced from nationally accredited renewable energy sources.
Unlike the traditional ways of generating power, accredited renewable energy sources emit little or no greenhouse gases into our atmosphere.
Choosing EasyGreen supports continued investment in the production of renewable energy, which is good for the environment.
- Can I cancel EasyGreen, or make changes to my premium?
Yes, you can cancel EasyGreen® entirely or change your contribution, at any time you like. The quickest and easiest way to do this is via My Account.
- Can I cancel my green energy contribution?
Yes, you can cancel your green energy at any time by updating your preferences in My Account. We'll backdate your cancellation or changes to the first day of the current billing period. No cancellation or change fees apply.
- Can I change my green energy contribution at any time?
Yes, going more or less green is easy. Just log in to My Account, update your green energy option, how much you want to contribute and you're done.
- I am on a green energy option, how will Midday Saver affect me?
You will stay signed-up to the green energy option, whether it is NaturalPower® or EasyGreen®. But it means that instead of paying the premium on top of the Home Plan (A1) flat rate, the same premium will now be added to all of the applicable Midday Saver variable rates.
- Is Synergy an accredited GreenPower supplier?
Yes. Synergy's Albany wind farm, a Bright Energy Investments joint venture and part of the Albany Grasmere Wind Farm, is an accredited energy supplier for the GreenPower program and is cutting Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions by 65,000 tonnes per annum. That's equal to taking nearly 15,000 cars from our roads for one year.
- What does EasyGreen cost?
EasyGreen® lets you choose a fixed contribution ranging from $10 to $80 that gets added to your Synergy bill. Your EasyGreen contribution is in addition to the standard tariff you pay for the electricity you receive from Synergy.
The tariff is set by the state government and is generally reviewed and reset annually, taking into account any cost increases.
Synergy will use your EasyGreen contribution to purchase an equivalent amount of renewable energy certificates (RECs) produced from nationally accredited GreenPower renewable energy sources.
- Will green energy be used to power my home?
We can't guarantee that the green energy you purchase will be directly fed to your home. This is because renewable energy purchased by Synergy is fed in to the electricity grid where it mixes with energy produced from non-renewable sources; before being supplied to your home.Read more
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For residential enquiries call 13 13 53
One of our friendly, team members will be happy to help you:
- 7am - 7pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
- We may need to ask you a couple of questions to confirm it's you - just have a copy of your bill handy.
All fields required unless indicated as optional.