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General Conditions of Contract – Purchase Orders

Please ensure you read and agree to our terms and conditions governing purchase orders.

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Synergy's Bidder Agreement

Understand the terms and conditions if you've been invited to participate in an Ariba sourcing event.

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Supplier Code of Conduct

The supplier code of conduct applies to all suppliers to Synergy.

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Safety & Health Policy

We set ourselves high standards of safety and health to achieve our goal of zero harm.

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Incident Notification Form

Please complete this form and send it back to us to report any on site incidents.

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Synergy's procurement is subject to the Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy (WAIPS).

Find out more about WAIPS
Contract mint

Regulatory compliance policy

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Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment standard

Synergy's Bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment standard applies to all contractors

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Aboriginal Procurement

Procurement at Synergy is subject to the State Government's Aboriginal Procurement policy.

Find out more

Procurement Systems - Ariba and Axis

Synergy uses two e-procurement systems.

Ariba, enables suppliers to: 

  • Participate in Synergy's online accreditation process;
  • Update and maintain company profile details in one central online location; and
  • Respond to Synergy tenders.

Axis Supplier Portal, allows for the transfer of key procurement documents through an online portal, including:

  • Receiving Purchase Orders (PO);
  • PO Acknowledgements
  • PO changes
  • Managing Request for Quotes
  • Invoicing
  • Receiving Remittance Advice

Using Ariba

Supplier accreditation requirements

Synergy will only engage with suppliers that meet the minimum accreditation requirements. Our accreditation process requires suppliers to be transparent about their business and to engage actively in our policies and processes. 

We build strong relationships with our suppliers and we work with them to ensure that our standards are continually maintained. The accreditation requirements cover the following areas: 

  1. Business and commercial information
  2. Insurance
  3. Safety and Health
  4. Environmental

All supplier accreditation processes occur through Ariba. For any questions, please contact Synergy’s Ariba support team at

Ariba Sourcing Event

If you are invited to participate in a sourcing event, a Synergy procurement representative will be in contact with you and you will be sent an Ariba link or notification for the sourcing event. 

Once you have logged into Ariba you will be guided through the process of submitting a response.
All suppliers must agree to Synergy’s Bidder Agreement in order to participate in an Ariba sourcing event.

Read the bidder agreement

Using Axis

If you would like register to use the Axis Supplier Portal to transfer procurement and invoicing documents, please email

Read Axis Supplier Portal Guide 


Adding attachments in Axis

Synergy Standard Payment Terms

Synergy is committed to supporting its suppliers and we know that cash flow is important, particularly for small to medium businesses.

To support our suppliers, Synergy’s standard payment terms are 20 days from invoice date. If you have an existing purchase order or contract with agreed payment terms of less than 20 days, the lower payment term will apply.

If you are a small to medium sized business and are experiencing significant financial hardship and would like to discuss your current payment terms, please contact your procurement representative for further support.