Synergy Renewable Business Energy
Join over 30,000 Australian business doing their bit for the environment by investing in Australia's renewable energy industry.
Your contribution is used by Synergy to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) from nationally accredited sources through GreenPower
How it works
Renewable energy purchased by Synergy is fed in to the electricity grid where it mixes with energy produced from non-renewable sources; before being supplied to your premise/s.
How much is green, depends on how many RECs are purchased. The more businesses investing in renewable energy, the more we can reduce Australia's carbon footprint.
Support a growing, local industry
Purchasing green energy drives further investment in Australia's renewable industry. You'll not only be doing your bit for the environment, you'll also be supporting local businesses and new job opportunities.
Calculate your contribution & see the difference you'll be making
Buy an agreed amount based on a % of your electricity consumption with NaturalPower. The small amount extra you pay, is in addition to your daily electricity charges.
Is Synergy an accredited GreenPower supplier?
Yes. Synergy's Albany wind farm, a Bright Energy Investments joint venture and part of the Albany Grasmere Wind Farm, is an accredited energy supplier for the GreenPower program and is cutting Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions by 65,000 tonnes per annum. That's equal to taking nearly 15,000 cars from our roads for one year.