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We’re harnessing the power of the wind in the Wheatbelt.

The electricity system is transforming as we explore renewable energy solutions for a more decarbonised energy future. We’re expanding renewable generation capacity in the South-West Interconnected System (SWIS) with a range of new projects, including the King Rocks Wind Farm.


The King Rocks Wind Farm is located within the eastern Wheatbelt region of WA in the Shire of Kondinin, 350km east of Perth.

This wind farm sits approximately 35km north-east of Hyden on land primarily used for agricultural farming purposes, including crop and grain production.


Layout and size

The King Rocks Wind Farm will have up to 30 wind turbines with capacity which could generate up to 150MW of electricity. That's enough to power 100,000 average homes.  

The project will also involve construction of associated infrastructure such as roads, transmission lines and substation facilities.

Towers up to 150 metres tall with turbine blades of up to 90 metres long will bring the total height of each wind turbine up to around 240 metres. 



With Development Approval received from the Shire of Kondinin, construction is expected to begin in 2025, with the Kings Rocks Wind Farm expected to be generating electricity from 2026. 

For more information, visit


Expected project milestones

2023  Site approvals finalised 
2024 Preconstruction planning and award of construction contract
2025 Construction activities
2026 Wind farm operational

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was King Rocks chosen for this wind farm?

After closely monitoring the level of wind in the area, strong overnight winds were identified. This offers a quality wind resource to generate electricity, in addition to solar PV systems, which only generate when the sun is shining.

The site is also close to Western Power’s existing transmission lines. This means minimal new network infrastructure is required, creating cost and production efficiencies. 

The wind farm site has low intensity agricultural usage, so it can be designed to have little impact on the way the land is currently used.

This location is also favourable because minimal clearing is required for the wind farm footprint. 

How long will the wind farm take to build?

Once construction has begun, it’s estimated that the project could take between 18 and 24 months to complete.

How many wind turbines will be installed?

This number is still being scoped, however up to 30 wind turbines could be installed on the site at King Rocks as part of the project.

How big is each wind turbine?
The King Rocks wind turbines are planned to be up to 150 metres tall with blades up to 90 metres long. This brings the total height up to around 240 metres.
Is wind power more expensive that other types of electricity generation?

Land-based, utility-scale wind turbines such as the ones planned for King Rocks Wind Farm actually provide one of the lowest-priced electricity generation sources available today. 

Wind generation technology has improved significantly in recent years, so today’s wind turbines are larger and produce electricity at a lower cost than in previous years.

As wind generation technology advances, it’s anticipated that the cost competitiveness of wind power will also continue to improve.

We're here to help

If you have questions about this project which aren’t answered here, please email us and someone from our team will be in touch.

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