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Wholesale Business Unit

Following the merger of Synergy and Verve Energy on 1 January 2014, the Wholesale Business Unit (WBU) was established as a core element of Synergy.

The WBU acts as a broker between the retail and generation business units of Synergy, and the rest of the electricity market by:

  • Managing the day-to-day mechanics of matching Synergy’s wholesale electricity portfolio with its retail customers’ needs.
  • Managing the transfer pricing process. This process sets the price the WBU charges Synergy’s retail business unit for energy servicing loads existing at 1 January 2014 and for any new customers who buy electricity through a tariff. Pricing for Synergy’s retail business unit requirements are established via a Request for Quotation (RFQ) process. The same process that applies for all customers.
  • Being responsible for the operation of any wholesale supply contracts or other supply arrangements, as well as any requests for new wholesale contracts through the RFQ process.
  • Offering standard products to the market. This is designed to complement the RFQ process and provide a pricing reference for and transparency to the market.

Requests for any new wholesale supply of electricity must be submitted in writing through the attached RFQ template to

The RFQ template is provided to facilitate the request for quote process. When completing the RFQ template, please ensure you clearly indicate your energy requirements. The WBU will respond to your request for quote and may contact you to clarify any request details. Be assured any information you provide will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone working in Synergy’s retail business unit.

On this page, you will also find policies governing the operation of the RFQ.

Please note, this process only applies to Customised Products under the RFQ process presented in the Electricity Corporations (Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation) Regulations 2013. WBU also transacts Standard Products under the Electricity (Standard Products) Wholesale Arrangements 2014, via a separate web page.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Dominic Regnard, Head of Trading
Mail: GPO Box K851, Perth, Western Australia 6842
Phone: (08) 6282 7322

The WBU is located at 219 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 6000.

Policies governing the operation of the RFQ

Wholesale Electricity Supply Policy

Wholesale Energy Credit Policy

Carbon tax removal substantiation statement

Wholesale Business Unit: Carbon tax removal substantiation statement