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What is the difference between 'Account period', 'Supply period' and 'Charge period' on my bill?

Here's a more detailed explanation of the differences between the account, supply and charge periods on your bill.

Account period is the period from your previous bill to the issue date of your current bill. If the Account period on your current bill is '14 Sep 2017 - 14 Nov 2017', this means your previous bill was issued to you on 14 September 2017, and your current bill was issued to you on 14 November 2017.

Supply period is the date your meter was last read by Western Power, up to the current read date. If the Supply period on your current bill is '14 Sep 2017 - 10 Nov 2017', this means your meter was previously read on 14 September 2017, and most recently read on 10 November 2017.

Charge period is your billing period and includes all charges, concessions, rebates or discounts since your last bill.

Learn more about the other important bits of information on your bill