What precautions can I take to protect my security?
Synergy encourages customers to be vigilant with all online communications and transactions including by:
- Regularly updating your passwords with ‘strong’ passwords and not re-using passwords.
- Remain alert to any scam activity, especially through email, text messages or telephone calls where the sender or caller is purporting to be from Synergy.
- Do not respond to, open, or click on links in emails/text messages if you are unsure about the sender.
- Stay informed of the latest scams and the steps you can take to protect yourself online by visiting www.scamwatch.gov.au and www.cyber.gov.au; and
- Visit IDCARE’s Learning Centre at www.idcare.org/learning-centre and the OAIC website at www.oaic.gov.au, for further information and resources on protecting your personal information.