Energy saving in the cooler months
As the temperature outside decreases, there are actions you can take to help encourage your energy bill to do the same!
Check out these straightforward behavioural tips which could help you save on energy as we enter WA's cooler months.
1. We're pretty lucky here in WA and despite the traditionally cold seasons of autumn and winter we still manage to get some sun. Embrace this natural light and opportunity for heating by opening any blinds that face north, allowing the morning sun to naturally warm your home.
2. Seal in warm air. Did you know up to 40 per cent of heat that leaves your home can be from uncovered windows? By using heavy block curtains that extend below your window frame, you can insulate your home and keep warm air from escaping. Also remember to shut any doors to rooms that you are not occupying to keep all possible warmth in.
3. When heating your home, choose and maintain an even temperature throughout the house. In the cooler months, heating can account for more than 30 per cent of your energy costs. To reduce bills, set your thermostat to between 18 and 20°C. Every degree above 20 can add about 10 per cent to your heating bill.
4. Winter is the best time to rug up, so consider your secondary options to boost warmth in various rooms before turning up your heating. Items such as heat packs, hot water bottles, fluffy dressing gowns, bed socks and electric or extra blankets are cost-effective alternatives to heating your entire bedroom overnight and will still allow for a cosy sleep. Don't forget to first put on a wool jumper and UGG boots for when you are lazing around the home.
5. Take advantage of the clear winter days in Perth. Drying your clothes outside instead of using a dryer can reduce your annual energy bill by up to $95 per year. It's also advisable to wash your clothes in cold water as opposed to warm to help save that extra cash.
6. Nothing says winter like a warm cuppa. If tea or coffee is what you crave when it's cold, always fill the kettle from the cold tap and be sure to only heat the amount of water you actually need, instead of boiling an entire jug for just one mug.
7. In winter you are far less likely spend a day in the pool, so save up to $145 by running your pool pump for two hours less per day over the three months.
8. Consider glazing your home. As mentioned above up to 40 per cent of the heating energy in your home can be lost through glazing. The good news is up to 87 per cent of heat can be gained by installing glazed window panels.
9. We all enjoy our hot showers in the colder months, but did you know older-style shower heads often use more water than is necessary and by using a water-efficient shower head you can save up to 18 litres every minute you shower.
10. Reduce the amount of heat you waste by having a programmable thermostat that fits in with your schedule. This can reduce heat in your home for a specific time, such as when you are out, and increase the heat for when you return. Don't forget to turn it down while you sleep!
For more information on how to save energy this winter, simply sign up for Synergy My Account and access the Energy Toolbox.