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Major milestone as first units installed at Collie battery

As reported by the Western Australian Government here.

A significant construction milestone has been achieved with battery units being lifted in place at what will be one of WA’s biggest grid-connected battery energy storage system.

Synergy’s Collie Battery Energy Storage System will provide a massive 500MW of power with 2000MWh of energy storage.

Once complete, it will mean Synergy has delivered 3000MWh of battery storage and helped ensure the security and reliability of WA’s energy system.

640 containerised battery systems started arriving at the Bunbury Port in August and were transported to Collie over the past three weeks.

The Collie battery is creating more than 500 jobs during its construction phase.

Large-scale battery storage helps to provide system stability and supports the continued uptake of renewable electricity generation in the South West Interconnected System (SWIS).

Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:

"The energy transition is powering ahead under our Labor Government, setting up WA's economy for the future.

"The Collie battery will be one of the biggest in Australia, and means we can deliver clean, affordable and reliable energy for WA for decades to come.

"Importantly, this big battery keeps Collie at the heart of our energy system, supporting local jobs and ensuring a strong future for the town."

Comments attributed to Energy Minister Reece Whitby:

"Our Government is getting on with the job of securing clean, reliable, and affordable power for all Western Australians.

"We know large-scale storage is important in our State because it supports household investment in rooftop solar and will allow us to continue our phased and sensible plan to transition out of coal by 2030.

"By installing these containerised battery systems in Collie, Synergy is one step closer to securing a cleaner energy mix that can provide power to the system when it's most needed."

Comments attributed to Collie-Preston MLA Jodie Hanns:

"Collie has played an important role in the electricity system of Western Australia over the past century.

"The installation of the Collie battery is the next chapter in Collie's energy story – which means the town will continue to play an important role in the energy needs of the state.

"It's great to see this project also generating work for local businesses, employees and contractors."